The Rise of Hatred, Rivalry, and Mockery in Showbiz

Every day, hatred among social media users and in the media is growing. People are attacking each other, spreading rumors, and betraying one another.

We don’t need to revisit past events; many of you have seen it. You’ve heard about artists or celebrities on social media fighting, insulting each other, and even sharing private videos. It’s become so serious that some are even threatening violence.


Those involved in these conflicts have many followers on social media. They use their fans as their supporters, believing that having more followers gives them power. If you speak out against them, they retaliate and expose your past mistakes. It’s turned into a political-style battle.


Recently, there were reports about a group called Aba-Big Energy supporting Yago, and rumors involving The Ben and Bruce Melodie, who seem to be at odds. Initially, many thought it was just entertainment, but it escalated, and The Ben stated, “It’s time for our music to be saved.”


As the conflicts grew, they hurt many hearts, and those watching began to wonder about the role of the RIB (Rwanda Investigation Bureau).


Despite the seriousness of the situation, the entertainment sector remained quiet until recently. Many people agree that this is entertainment and that artists should be left alone. However, it’s hard to understand this world unless you’re part of it. People wake up fighting, and by morning, they act as if it was all just a show. What started as petty disagreements has now escalated into something more serious.


Some conflicts have become so intense that some individuals have even considered leaving the country due to fear. Others have begun spying on their colleagues to gather damaging evidence.


The RIB is discussing this issue, trying to understand if any crimes are being committed. Often, if no visible crime occurs, people tend to overlook these issues.


The situation has become dangerous, with some people sharing explicit videos, crossing the line from entertainment to harmful behavior that could be considered a crime.


Ethnic tensions are also emerging, with some claiming that certain individuals don’t belong. This raises concerns about the future of Rwanda and its unity.


Lack of Oversight for YouTube Users


One major issue is that those using platforms like YouTube lack regulation. It’s good that journalists from recognized media have oversight. Even if they make mistakes, they are held accountable. But what about those on YouTube? They continue to spread chaos without consequences.


It’s crucial for them to come together, find solutions, and hold each other accountable, similar to established journalists. The RIB should not just observe; it should take action against those who deserve punishment. We remember the journalists who faced scrutiny during COVID. If no action is taken now, we might face serious consequences.


If things continue this way, we could wake up one day to find that someone has harmed a colleague or worse. The sad truth is that there may be no witnesses left to tell the story.


Research shows that people bullied on social media are twice as likely to consider suicide compared to others. In the U.S., 13.6% of youth affected by online bullying have attempted suicide.


The World Health Organization highlights that suicide is a leading cause of death among youth, with online bullying being a significant factor.


In 2017, a study in the UK found that 7% of children aged 12-20 attempted suicide due to online bullying.


For those involved, this is a serious matter. Don’t take it lightly. I respect you, but it’s important to acknowledge the severity of where we are headed.




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