Muhanga: Resident Accuses Wealthy Man of Assault, Resulting in Injury

Léon Bizimana, a resident of Nyarucyamu II Village, Gahogo Cell, Nyamabuye Sector in Muhanga District, accuses a wealthy man of beating him, which led to a broken bone.


Bizimana told UMUSEKE that last week, he went to a bar owned by his neighbor, Pererine Babonampoze, to share a drink, and they began talking.


During the conversation, the businessman suggested that Bizimana rent part of the bar for 150,000 Rwandan Francs per month to start a profitable business.


Bizimana responded by offering to pay 100,000 Rwandan Francs instead. However, instead of a polite discussion, the wealthy man allegedly slapped him, causing Bizimana to fall and break a bone in his shoulder.


“I told him I could give him 100,000 Francs, but instead of responding politely, he slapped me and I fell, breaking my bone,” Bizimana said.


Bizimana crawled to call for help and was taken to the hospital, where doctors confirmed that his shoulder bone was broken.


When UMUSEKE tried to contact Pererine Babonampoze, the businessman accused of the assault, he did not respond to their calls.

  1. Bizimana claims he is living in fear, as strangers have been coming to his house, knocking on his gate, which makes him believe the wealthy man sent them to harm him.

He has already filed a complaint with the Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB) and is waiting for justice.


Bizimana, who once composed the song Isaro ry’iNyanza, now earns a living by doing small driving jobs for people, as he holds a driver’s license.


He also shared that he had to withdraw his child from school to take care of him since the child’s mother passed away recently.

Some of Bizimana’s neighbors say he has never had any conflicts during his time in Gahogo, describing him as a man who writes songs about fighting HIV and supporting the Rayon Sports football team.

The Mayor of Muhanga District, Jacqueline Kayitare, said they will visit Bizimana to learn more about his situation.


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